
When you made the HW Ragecomics blog?
 - Day 20 of November,2011.
Why you made this blog?
 - I made this blog cause I was bored. bored because is everytime down and I would like to have fun with anything similar.So, I made the blog.
What's your username?
 - I wouldn't like to say here,but its famous,I think.
What's the program you make all the blog designs?
 - Paint,and Photofiltre,but I make a progress with the rage builder and blogger to make somethings.
What text font you use?
 - Luckiest Guy.
Where you Downloaded the text font?
What's the function of this blog on the internet?
 - Entertain all the Happy Wheelers when is down.
You post everyday on the blog?
 - nearly. Its not too easy to have ideas for HW ragecomics,but normally I post everydays.
How can I ask more?
 - you can find me on its my E-mail.

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